We’ll pinpoint the exact location of your at-risk data and secure it
3 Red Down Arrows
Data Risk Intelligence Scanning
Scans for unsecured data across your network and provides an estimated financial figure for your organization’s potential liability in the event your network is ever breached.
Managed Vulnerability Scanning
We’ll scan your network to identify security gaps that hackers may use to breach your network. You’ll receive informative reports that help you meet compliance regulations & avoid fines.
Endpoint Detection & Response
We monitor your environment  24/7 (endpoint, network, and cloud), triage alerts, trace threats, correlate data, and facilitate remediation to better manage security risks and minimize losses.
Security Operations Center (SOC)
Our 24/7 SOC-as-a-Service aligns real security experts with today’s leading security tools to detect and prevent threats across the full scope of the monitored environment.

What is Data Risk Intelligence?

Risk Intelligence takes traditional risk assessments to an entirely new level by first helping to identify at-risk data across your entire network and then assigning a monetary value to that risk.

Our Risk Intelligence scans perform a deep dive analysis of data stored on target systems and pinpoint the exact locations of data that could potentially expose your company to major financial risk in the event of an audit.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as credit card information, social security numbers, and driver’s license numbers tend to show up in the most obscure places on your network. Fortunately, we can show you exactly where it is and who has access to it so you can protect it.

We’ll generate reports that show exactly how much a breach of your network could potentially cost your business. The information we provide to you in our detailed reporting helps to triage the most important security related issues plaguing your network. Maintaining a historical archive of reports allows us to track risk trends over time so you can see at a glance if your security is improving.

Learn About the Benefits of Data Risk Intelligence


Identify the location of unprotected data including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, dates of birth, driver licenses, and financial account numbers.

Lower Risk

Avoid becoming the next victim of a cost-prohibitive & business crippling data breach, which can damage not only your business but also your reputation.

Data-Driven Budgeting

Understand total risk exposure within your IT environment in monetary terms and use this new insight to decide where to invest your IT budget. Understand the resources and expenditure required to better safeguard your company's data.

Demonstrate Compliance

Satisfy a host of highly punitive compliance requirements that mandate periodic risk assessments and audits, including HIPAA, PCI DSS, and FINRA.

Holistic Security

Identify the source of unprotected data on your network, regardless of where it is stored, in order to develop a better plan to address security as a whole instead of simply resolving data leaks in isolation.
“An extremely powerful service that shines a light on unsecured data hidden deep within your network.”
Data Risk Intelligence - Unprotected Data Summary
Data Risk Intelligence - Vulnerability Financial Summary
“Investing in Data Risk Intelligence can potentially save your business nearly $200 per violation in fines if ever you are audited & found to have unsecured data hiding within your network.”
Request Your Free Data Risk Intelligence Scan
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